First Impressions Baton Twirlers

Our Achievements

What Is Baton Twirling?
All About First Impressions
Our Achievements
Joining and Sponsoring First Impressions
Baton Twirling Associations
National Baton Twirling Association (NBTA)
Dates For The Diary 2004
Our Favourite Twirling Sites
Our Favourite Suppliers
Fun Stuff!

Through the years, First Impressions have gained numerous awards through the NBTA at regional, national and international level.

Basic strut, military strut, solo, dance solo, duet, 2baton, small twirl team, large twirl team,pompon team, small dance team, large dance team, pompon traditional, fancy strut, and x-strut have all been won, regionally and nationally by First Impressions both as a team, and by individual members.
We also earned World status in the 1996 World Championships in Holland by winning the Banniers section, and then again in the year 2000 at the World Championships in Birmingham by coming second in the same section. Another big achievement was when we gained the award for best pom-pon team in the year 2001. The Ron Stiff military award has been won twice by different people in First Impressions, another great achievement.
We are all very proud of each of these awards which we have gained over the last 7 years and feel that each one was as well deserved as the last.


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